Thank you for connecting with us

You’re one step away from making your billing processes more efficient … and we’re looking forward to speaking with you.

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“My practice revenue increased 30% year over year after switching to Psybill. I wish I would have done this years ago.”

Ann W., LCSW



“[Psybill] have worked with our practice since 2008 assisting us in developing efficient and profitable billing practices for our overall success. Knowledgable, forward thinking, tech savvy and willing to collaborate for the best results. Practices large and small won't be disappointed. Thanks Psybill!”

Samara S., CEO



“Psybill has been instrumental in turning around our neglected AR. Their proactive approach to follow-up reduced our average days AR from 65 to 35. Combined with their negotiation for high reimbursement rates with our top carriers, net collections increased by 11%!”

Steve R., CFO